Discourse on Bengal Vaisnavisma

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788186791370

Language: English Pages: 159 About The Book The present work is an humble attempt at exhibiting the genesis and development of Bengal Vaisnavism focusing its distinctive features and abiding essentials in its historical perspective. Though an inalienable segment of mediaeval pan-Indian Bhakti movement, Bengal Vaisnavism is an area of fascinating study, unique in its articulation of Acintya-bheda-bhedavada, as a doctrine of Philosophy and Kanta-Prema as the summum bonum of human life, the only way to God realization thus establishing the superiority of Bhakti over Karma and Jnana. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the fountain head and leading personality of this religious creed and movement which was, however, vitalised and replenished by a host of outstanding religious luminaries especially the six vrndavana Gosvamins who were interested in emotional enlightment and emancipation of mankind. This treatise presents in a lucid and engrossing manner all these aspects of Bhakti movement in Bengal upto its recent development in ISKCON. It will serve as a dependable manual of Bengal Vaisnavism. About The Author Ranjit Kumar Acharjee (born 1935) retired as Reader in Philosophy, Ramakrishna Mahavidyalaya, a Govt. Degree Collage of North Tripura after serving this institution for thirty years with dedication and distinction. For more than twenty years, he had been contribution articles and papers on various topics of Philosophic and religious interests to several journals of India. His area of specialisation is Bengal Vaisnavism, Sri Aurobindas Philosophy, social Philosophy and Sirfism. Apart from this, he is an accomplished reviewer of numerous important books including doctoral dissertations which were published in the form of Reviews and Review-articles in Prabuddha Bharata, a monthly journal of Ramakrishna order, Kolkata. He was also elected member of the Senate of Tripura University for a ter