Advances in Electrophoresis (Chrambach: Advances in Electrophoresis) (Volume 7)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783527300495

Brand Wiley-Vch

Just published: Volume 7 with important review articles on nucleic acids in electrophoresis. Moreover, special emphasis is placed on one of the most important new techniques: capillary electrophoresis. From reviews: "...the series will become a classic; indispensable to all who need to know about and use these invaluable techniques." TIBS "...can certainly be recommended" Journal of Chromatography " important source of information on recent efforts in electrophoresis research..." Trends in Analytical Chemistry "All papers are highly detailed and heavily referenced." BIOSIS "As in the previous volumes in the series, this volume is beautifully produced with excellent diagrams..." Chromatographie