Domestic Violence in Australia: The Legal Response
Price 47.70 USD
This edition of Domestic Violence in Australia examines the different and in some cases quite disparate legal responses to domestic violence. It considers the extent of family violence, some of the causes or triggers of family violence and why women often do not leave violent relationships. It also provides details of useful resources such as Centrelink entitlements and lists of appropriate places for support and advice. It also considers criminal law responses and the role, powers and culture of the police as well as looking at injunctions and restraining orders available under the Family Law Act and the relevance of violence in disputes over children and matrimonial property. State and Territory remedies that are of general usage and not specifically in relation to family violence are detailed, including the peace complaint, injunctions and, most importantly, compensation for injuries incurred or property damage sustained. Finally the various protective orders available in each State and Territory are examined. The different requirements and procedures for obtaining these orders as well as different effects and consequences for breaches are covered. The book is an exceptionally useful up-to-date tool that provides the law and related information on domestic violence around Australia in one single text.