Introduction to Islam

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788175961890

Islam is a world-wide religion embracing many cultures and nations, comprising today nearly 900 million people. Muslims believe that God (Allah) revealed to the Prophet Muhammad guidance for proper conduct in this world and salvation in the next. These revelations are contained in the Muslims" scripture, the Qur"an. From modest beginnings in Mecca fourteen centuries ago, Islam spread rapidly throughout the Middle East and then into south-east Asia. This book is the story of the Muslims" beliefs and practices as they developed during the formative period. Separate chapters are devoted to a description of the sacred law (the Shar"iah), theology, and mysticism. Attention is given also to the beliefs and practices of the important Shi"ah minority of Muslims. The story comes down to the present day, recounting the period over the last two centuries during which Muslims have been challenged by Western hegemony and have sought to establish a modern sense of identity.