Official Price Guide to Glassware, 4th Ed.

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780876379530

HOW MUCH IS YOUR COLLECTION WORTH? THE DEFINITIVE SOURCEBOOK MAKES IT CLEAR AS GLASS! Whether it be bonbon dishes or flower vases, water pitchers or dinner plates, glassware is one of the most popular features at antique shows--and The Official Price Guide to Glassware gives both the novice collector and seasoned professional all the information they need to buy and sell with confidence. [ ] COMPREHENSIVE. From Carnival glass to Depression glass, beautiful art glass to period cut glass, pressed glass, foreign glass, and modern glass, this complete reference lists more than 20,000 different pieces of glassware from 250 manufacturers nationwide, including Anchor Hocking, Hazel Atlas, Westmoreland, Dugan, Imperial, Northwood, and many others. [ ] CLEAR IDENTIFICATION. Each line of glassware is identified by manufacturer, color, and pattern, with a national average selling price. [ ] WRITTEN BY A PROFESSIONAL. Mark Pickvet is an expert in the history of glassware. In addition, The Official Price Guide to Glassware has been vetted by glassware experts and professional art historians alike. [ ] AN EXTENSIVE MARKET REVIEW. A major resource based on interviews with hundreds of dealers, collectors, and glass collecting clubs. [ ] GLOSSARY. A complete course in glassware terminology, from acid etching to zwischengoldglas. [ ] INVALUABLE TIPS. Crucial information on buying and selling, condition, and care--plus how to detect reproductions and clever fakes. [ ] FULLY ILLUSTRATED. BUY IT USE IT BECOME AN EXPERT