The Inflationary Universe: The Quest for a New Theory of Cosmic Origins

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780201149425

"Guth"s book is written in a brisk, engaging style uncharacteristic of scientific autobiographies. His story tells much about how science sometimes works, how the universe may work, and how on occasion one bright individual can cause an intellectual revolution". The New York Times Book Review"Some great scientists are so great that they become icons of an epoch...Albert Einstein is the pre-eminent example...and Alan Guth is one of Einstein"s most brilliant successors". San Franscisco Examiner"Guth"s long-awaited account is remarkable both for its clear explanation of the nearly inconceivable and for the personal sense Guth conveys of what it felt like to do theoretical physics during the 1970s and 1980s". Scientific American"Guth equips you with a complete intellectual tool kit in the form of a lucid history of twentieth-century cosmology and particle physics". The Washington Post Book World