Valuable Herbal Prescriptions and Their Various Ailments and Their Treatment by Nature"s Remedies

Originally published in 1898.Contents Include Physical Culture Useful Knowledge Rheumatism Sciatica Plants Kidney and Bladder Trouble Hop Bitters Sore Eyes Ulcerated Stomach Plants Headache Nervous Debility Blood Deseases piles Liver Affections Lumbago Gravel and Stone Blackheads Pimples Acne Vegetable Restoration Pills Gastric Trouble Fits Indegestion Consumption, Bronchitis and Asthma Falling Hair Plants Troublesome Periods Constipation Gout (Rich Mans) Gout (Poor Mans) Dyspepsia Nervous Breakdown Lack of thought Concentration Plants and Cough Syrup Anaemia (Bloodnessness) Germe Syrup General Information Indigestion Plants Drinking and Smoke Habit Pills Plants Natures Lubrication , Yonic Spectacles Correspondence