Phonic Foolers: A Creative Arts Dictionary of Homophones
A collection of over 2700 homophones with definitions to help the reader distinguish these similar sounding words from one another. Each word is cross-referenced for easy location and comparison. Placed in a lay-flat binding, this book provides an easy reference source to words whose meaning and spelling are readily confused. Because English is a mixture and a medley of many languages past and present, many words in English sound like other words but have different meanings. These are called homophones. As teachers and administrators in college and high school, and as colleagues of those whose native language was not English, Gerald and Muriel Manus began to appreciate the confusion between oral and written English. Phonic Foolers will assist those who learn English after their native language is acquired and those native English speakers (stenographers, court reporters, journalists, among others), who find that words aren"t always what they hear.