The Last Sniffer

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780340873441

Young Daniel is disturbed from his slumbers one night by a creature who is all but disguised by his hoodie. It is The Last Sniffer - a creature who looks like a cross between a mole and a wizened old man. As his name suggests, The Last Sniffer steals smells and stores them in glass jars, deep beneath the sewers where he lives. From Daniel he steals the smell of chocolate biscuits and his brand new-trainers - that"s bad enough! But from Daniel"s baby brother he steals the warm and comforting talcumy new baby smell. How could he! Outraged Daniel sprints into action and dives into the sniffer"s lair. Once inside he understands why the Sniffer needs all those nice smells - the sewers smell foul! But Daniel has to explain to the Sniffer - it"s just not allowed. Taking pity on the smell-taker, Daniel accompanies him to the local supermarket, where he explains that there are some excellent air fresheners available these days. Perhaps teh Sniffer would like to stock up on some of those instead? Problem solved it seems. But old habits die hard ...Watch out for the The Last Sniffer - he may well strike again!