Reading and Writing in the Middle Years

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781571103444

This comprehensive book is a no-nonsense exploration of the latest and most successful approaches to teaching reading and writing to students in grades four to eight. Students in these middle school years are already reading and writing but they need help in continuing to develop their literacy strategies and in constructing meaning with a variety of resources. The book begins with the basic information teachers need for understanding the reading and writing processes, and offers techniques for making literacy events meaningful to these growing students. It presents a thorough overview of the many learning strategies students will need to acquire in the middle years, with tips for implementing them in all subjects in every classroom. This remarkable book includes novel ways to make connections to print texts and the students" world. Teachers will also find practical suggestions for expanding and monitoring comprehension, and designing instructional frameworks for supporting these developing readers and writers. Teachers will learn how to model and demonstrate reading and writing strategies, conduct mini lessons, and confer with students. Because students at this level are reading more and more in the content areas, the book includes suggestions for making all forms of nonfiction more meaningful for them. These students are beginning to explore their own identities and the book offers opportunities for helping them to write down the stories from their own lives, make informed opinions, and correspond with others. Rubrics, assessment checklists and a targeted book list complement this accessible resource. As students are faced with more reading, writing and thinking challenges, they will need support from knowledgeable and informed teachers, and this book demonstrates how reading and writing strategies can form the basis for continued learning.