Formation of the Christian Biblical Canon, The

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780801047091

"Lee McDonald has written a lucid and accessible account of the formation of the Christian Bible, clearly marshalling the major evidence, working through the main problems, and reaching persuasive conclusions. Treating separately the canons of the Old and New Testaments, he provides translations of most of the ancient primary sources, good summaries of scholarly debates, and a useful guide to the extensive scholarly literature on the subject. This book will find an appreciative readership among students, pastors, and inquiring laypersons."--Harry Gamble professor and chair of religious studies University of Virginia "This is a remarkable book in that it tackles the question of the formation of the Christian biblical canon in its full sense, that is, both testaments. . . . McDonald has produced a timely study, considerably improved in the sections of the OT canon and generally more comprehensive for both testaments than in his first edition, that should command wide attention for years to come. He has, in my opinion, come to the right conclusions on the essential questions."--James A. Sanders professor of biblical and intertestamental studies, School of Theology at Claremont "I am willing to endorse The Formation of the Christian Biblical Canon with great enthusiasm. Quite simply, it is the finest introduction to the biblical canon available for the student. In particular, I like two things about this second edition: 1) McDonald has written a book with the student in mind. Clearly, he is a teacher writing for students; he knows their questions and struggles well and makes a serious effort to respond to them with rigor and clarity. 2) McDonald is aware of the important theological and hermeneutical issues at stake in his discussion of the biblical canon."--Robert W. Wall, professor of biblical studies, Seattle Pacific University