The Healer: A Guide to Spiritual Healing

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781452556611

Brand BalboaPress

A complete guide for the spiritual healer and anyone pursuing the spiritual path. Th e Healer describes in detail the intricacies of healing and dis-ease from the perspective of the Inner Self. Some topics include the six dis-ease roots, how the body heals spiritually, the practical application of true and effective healing, how to use different spiritual healing tools, how to set boundaries, relationships with food and people, trauma and suffering in relation to healing, true listening and seeing for healing, understanding etheric and subtle energies, the art of visions and dreaming, the effects of consciousness on healing, soul-level communication, distance healing, discussions on alternate realities, teaching and learning along the path, spiritual challenges that can arise for the healer and patient, achieving a proper healing space and atmosphere, and the manifestation of self-healing and Self-realization. Tamsyn describes her own experiences and observations regarding spiritual healing both inside and outside her practice as a naturopathic doctor and healer. The specifics of proper and effective healing described here provide for a unique, supportive, and essential guide for any healer, patient, or student engaged in the subtle and powerful art of true healing.