Family and Heritage Scrapbooking

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781609003845

Celebrated scrapbookers Lisa Bearnson and Becky Higgins give readers can-do solutions for capturing family history as well as inspiring ideas for recording favorite family stories that can be passed down through generations. Scrapbookers will revel in sharing their heritage, traditions, and cherished memories with their families by creating mini albums and scrapbook layouts based on the ideas in this book. Additionally, readers will learn a five-step process for scrapbooking family history in a way that"s easy, effective, and enjoyable. They"ll also receive tips on how to gather photographs and documents, sort family history materials into manageable categories, prepare and organize photographs for scrapbooking, discover missing information that is needed to tell family stories, and scrapbook family history in a timeless way.