UCB: Unified Science of (Phen.) LIFE

This book, USPL, brings to Humanity and the Sciences for the first time, an introduction to the precise concept and comprehension of the Phenomenon, LIFE (to be illuminated here). The goal and purpose is to explicitly distinguish the grandiose phenomenon, LIFE from the nebulous form, life. LIFE already Manifests in the COSMOS and cannot be studied like traditional MATTER as done by the sciences. USPL gives fifteen example discourses in the philosophical light of Unified Thinking. Analyzed here is the theory of the Manifest Nature of the enigma, TIME, a persistent impasse in physics and the philosophies. Incredible? There is no TIME in the Cosmos. The UCB, this volume emphasizes one of the three Potent Phenomena "sovereigning" the Cosmos as yet unknown to humanity and the sciences today. Briefly, the book has these enriching illuminating features: Based on the physics principle of FREQUENCY OF VIBRATION, FOV redefines the popular word/term, Reality to enrich Humanity and the Sciences in yet another vibrant study what it calls "The Authentic Scientifism Of CREATION" (but, without ever evoking the biblical narrative which is incoherent to transform to a consistent scientific principles). Prudently, the UCB theory does not evoke personhood (implicating transcendent POTENCY). It Classifies the Cosmos into three zones of Realities on the ranges of FOV: 1. Those that manifest consistently constantly uninterruptibly; and asks: What put them in place? 2. Those that have discontinuous interruptible (sometimes, zero) FOV. 3. Further, the elements in (#1) ranging from 0 to Infinity are used to classify the Cosmos into: 1 Zone of Material Reality, ZMR; 2 Zone of Immaterial Reality, ZIR; 3 Zone of COSMIC Reality, ZCR; 4 Zone of the Ees. This is the "classic Classification" Model of the Cosmos. Richer Details and application are densely discussed. And practical examples included about its Principle of Ontological Incompatibility for diminishing controversies. But, what must not be omitted is the compulsive inclusion of expansive principles in (#3) introducing a fervently desperately desired application of what is called COSMIC PRINCIPLES. Here, we are immersed into an effluvium of solving the problems of Humanity: perplexities, perturbations, persecutions, turbulences.... No other book or research has yet meandered into this "province of human suffering"! This is the UCB formulation of the Theory or discipline of HUMANISM: 1. MAN, KNOW THYSELF; 2. REVERENCE FOR LIFE; 3. UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD OF MAN. Science never had it so good with Classification! and Humanity, so Vibrant with richer knowledge of the Cosmos. UCB has MORE, MORE! What is Irrefutable? "All humanity is One ","Sovereigns" as now lucidly demonstrated mathematically beyond refutation. The Connectivity Theory based on FOV, "maps" all realities in the Cosmos on the Tree Of Reality, TOR, with the Tree Structure as the concrete generator, graphically illustrating the "connectivity of CREATION"? Author Bio: Lem O. Ejiogu is the director of Software Engineering at Softmetrix, Inc. With an introductory background in mathematics, the author has over twenty-five years of seasoning in Software Engineering-- Design, Analysis, Testing; and Consulting. Additionally, he has been a regular contributor to research and technical journals (specializing in Software Metrics); speaker in some conferences, seminars, and workshops; and has authored three books, in this field. But, it is the practical extension of the solutions of the research on the Software Crisis culminating in the Unified Methodology Of Software Metrics called, TM (Tree Methodology) that motivated writing this book to propose solutions to the other sphere of human perplexity, the Unified Conception of Being, essentially -- the efficacy of Mortal ↔ EEs connectivity? And the results have been exceedingly revealing of applications.