Electrical Nutrition Audio: Read by Shelley Heistand from the book Electrical Nutrition

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780968492840

Electrical Nutrition is a new way of looking at health based on the electrical construct of the human body and Denie Hiestand"s background in engineering, agriculture and knowledge gained from years of clinical experience working with thousands of international clients. She speaks about how to stop degeneration and start regeneration so we can live a full and happy life. The audio explains difficult concepts in an easy, logical way that allows you to work towards perfect health. Denie has the ability to tune into and become aware of the electrical functions of the body at a deep level, both cellular and electrical, seeing the electrical malfunctions and ascertaining the causes of dis-ease states developing. In Electrical Nutrition and his clinical work, Denie addresses not only the electrical and physical manifestation, but also, the contributing emotional, spiritual, nutritional and lifestyle factors.