Forensic Engineering Reconstruction of Accidents
This book is not an advanced engineering text. Rather, it is a practical presentation with traffic accident reconstruction principles presented in a simple, understandable manner so that the reader will easily retain these important concepts. The engineering principles involved are introduced at the elementary level, and in many cases equations used in freshman physics are derived. The authors believe that the derivations are presented in the simplest manner possible so that the reader will retain this material. The book is the result of an effort to compile over a period of years useful forensic engineering data, information, and analytical techniques over and above those taught to non-engineers. Many of the mathematical treatments are original. In general, the book reflects the authors’ combined over forty years experience of forensic investigations involving thousands of cases. It offers something for everyone interested in forensic engineering. In the new second edition, Chapters 3 to 5 have been substantially modified, and the remainder of the text has been edited to bring its various parts up to date. The experienced investigator will find a wealth of new ideas and relationships to fill in gaps in his knowledge and reinforce his analytical approaches. Those starting new in this work will have an advantage on their competition after studying this material. For the non-technical reader, most of the book is eminently readable. To an investigator, attorney, or insurance adjuster with only a nodding acquaintance with freshman physics, the book should be totally comprehensible.