The Shepherd"s Covenant for Pastors

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780830737406

Brand Gospel Light

This book is about grace. Its theme is grace; its heartbeat is grace. As a pastor, you"ve probably preached on grace from time to time, but have you ever considered the role of grace in your life and ministry? Your calling depends upon it-both humbly accepting grace from God and giving it away to others. Without grace, there is emptiness and the potential for that hole to be filled by the dangers lurking around you-often the lure of popularity, prestige and power. Like having a serious conversation with a mentor or coach in the ministry, The Shepherd"s Covenant for Pastors offers the equipping you need to maintain your commitment to live your life and ministry with authenticity and integrity. Pledge with God and over 50,000 other pastors who have signed the Shepherd"s Covenant to maintain a life of holiness and righteousness by committing to five basic principles built on the acrostic G.R.A.C.E. Learn how to maintain balance in your call that adequately reflects your contribution and God"s grace at the same time. Build on a foundation that will stand strong when the call to serve man and God collides, when the responsibilities of the church take precedence over family, or when a change in direction is needed when the work of the church becomes more alluring than intimacy with the Lord. By God"s grace and with the help of The Shepherd"s Covenant for Pastors, you can commit today to a lifestyle more pleasing to the Lord, your congregation, your family and yourself.