Messages of the President of the United States, with the Correspondence, Therewith Communicated, Between the Secretary of War and Other Officers of Th

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781235857096

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1848 Excerpt: ... ciently formal and sincere, you may, with or without agreeing to an armistice, at your own sound discretion--looking to the intimations of that letter on the subject--grant written passports for the use of any minister or commissioner, and his suite, who may be duly appointed by the Mexican government to treat with that of the United States, to enable such legation to communicate with our blockading squadron on the gulf of Mexico coast, Or to enable the legation to pas"s, by land, our military posts in your rear. In the latter case, a small military escort to (say) Point Isabel, with permission to the legation to take passage in some vessel thence to (say) New Orleans, may be necessary. I remain, sir, with high respect, your most obedient servant, WINFIELD SCOTT. I think the within should be sent to General T. W. L. M No. 56.J Head-quarters, Army Of Occupation, Matamoras, June 26, 1846. Sir: I have only time, before the mail leaves, to acknowledge the receipt, by the steamer " Alabama," of the following communications and orders from the War Department and general headquarters: From the Secretary of War, of Mjy 28, 29, and 30, and June 4 and 8, that of May 30 enclosing an order assigning me to duty as brevet major general, and a copy of a letter from the President, and that of June 4, accompanying several packages of printed proclamations. From your office, of May 30 r.nd June 9, copies of your communications to General Wool of June 1, and Colonel P. F. Smith of June 2, and a Popy of memoranda for the chiefs of the staff departments, dated May 18. "General orders" Nos. 14 to 19 inclusive. " Special orders" Nos. 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, and 51. The many points requiring my attention in the above communications will receive it wirhout delay. I am, sir, very respe...