Java 2 Exam Cram, Second Edition (Exam: 310-025)

Price 39.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781588801395

Java 2 Exam Cram, 2nd Edition is the updated and revised version of the best selling Java 2 Exam Cram. This highly acclaimed and well-recognized study guide provides an intense preparation program for programmers gearing up for the Sun Certified Java Programmer, Java 2 exam (310-025). The book"s well organized, concise layout provides thorough coverage of test content and objectives like learning Java language fundamentals, creating Java classes, building GUIs with the AWT Components, and working with flow control and exceptions. Includes the proven Exam Cram features of helpful hints and tips, test taking strategies, realistic case studies, tear-out cram sheets, and challenging practice questions.