Internet Dating: What I Learned From Over 4000 Matches
Internet dating is a relatively new phenomenon in our world, and the verdict is now being written on the value of it to bring people together for love, friendship, dating, and marriage. This book is about that verdict, the good, the bad, and the ugly. The author certainly had a good opportunity to assess it given that he had a total of 4000 matches from several dating sites. All of us have heard success stories and wonder if it could happen for us. We have also heard the horror stories and fear that we too could be a victim if we try internet dating. The internet dating sites caution their members about the dangers of meeting someone they don"t know. The author provides one good way to meet matches that removes a lot of the danger. One truly remarkable thing that was discovered after the author experienced online dating was how much more men and women are really alike than different. So women as well as men can find insights in this book that will help them when dating. In fact, it will help both men and women in ways that go far beyond dating.