The Lumber World Volume 13
Price 22.40 - 22.78 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1911 edition. Excerpt: ...the reciprocal measure will have little effect upon the ability of Canadian manufacturers to put lumber into this market. ln fact. as the situation became more generally and thoroughly understood, the interest which the lumber trade formerly took in the reciprocity measure rapidly decreased. Vt/hat effect upon general business such an acreement would have had is, of course, problematical, as the measure did not pass in Canada. However, speculation as to its effect is idle, and it is probable that the average American business man is as well pleased that no new disturbance of tariff conditions is in immediate prospect. RETAIL PROSECUTION INACTIVE..-" demurrer has been filed by counsel for the retail lumber secretaries now under criminal indictment, setting up as defense that the said indictments do not state facts sufficient to constitute a case against the defendants, or any of them, or an offense against the United States, or any ofifense against any law of the United States. A date has not been set for a hearing on this demurrer, and consequently it is not known when any further action may be taken. In the case of the Eastern States Retail Lumber Dealers" Association no progress has been made, except that the defendants have been allowed to file their answer to the complaint unsigned. The eastern case is merely a civil proceeding for the dissolution of the association, although the evidence, as set forth by government attorneys, is almost identical with that adduced before the Landis grand jury. To the observer. it would appear that the indictments, east and west, are not going to hold water. The outcome of these suits will be awaited with the keenest interest by the lumber trade, as they certainly should establish some basis upon...