The merchant"s and shipmaster"s assistant; containing information useful to the American merchants, owners, and masters of ships Together with the tariff for 1832

Price 39.06 - 39.62 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781231073209

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1832 Excerpt: in tin United States, south of Cape Henlopen, and which he shall visit pursuant to this act, the sum of three dollars for each vessel ahove one hundred and sixty tons; tho sum of two dollars for each vessel not exceeding one hundred and sixty tons, nor less than one hundred tuns; and the sum of one dollar for each vessel helow one hundred tons, so visited hy him: And further, it shall he lawful for the health officer to appoint an assistant, who may perform all the duties required of said health officer, hut for whose conduct he shall he responsihle; and such assistant shall take an oath well and faithfully to execute the duties of his said office. 40. All vessels having on hoard any person infected with any malignant or pestilential fever, or coming from any place whatsoever infected therewith, shall not come into any other of the potts or harhours of this state, until they shall have performed quarantine for such time and in such manner as the persons herein after mentioned shall think proper to direct, to wit: for the cities of Alhany and Hudson, and upon Hudson River, opposite to the said cities, and within one mile ahove or helow the tame, the person administering the government of this state, and in his ahsence from the said cities, respectively, the mayor, and in his ahsence the recorder of the said cities, respectively, and for any town in this stale, hordering or lying upon any port or harhour of this state, and upon the waters opposite to the same towns, any two or more justices of the peace residing therein; and if any person, suhject to quarantine aforesaid, shall violate any of the regulations to he prescrihed respecting the same as aforesaid, he shall he considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall he fined, hy any court having cognizan...