Beatleology: A Magical Mystery Tour to Discover Your Inner Beatle

Price 14.50 - 24.70 USD

Are you a romantic optimist with a cheery disposition? You might be a “Paul.”Brooding, introverted, and artistic? You are probably a “John.”If you tend to take life as it comes with a happy go-lucky attitude, most likely you are a “Ringo.”Thoughtful, with a tendency toward passive-aggressive behavior? You might be a “George.”The tenets of Beatleology are simple: We all have an Inner Beatle guiding our destiny and governing our behavior. Forget Leo or Taurus. This book teaches us that it’s more accurate to say, “I’m a John” or “I’m a Ringo.” A simple personality test determines who your Inner Beatle is and how you will interact with the other Johns, Pauls, Georges, and Ringos of the world—at home, at work, and on the street. Written in the spirit of our favorite “cheeky lads from Liverpool,” This guide is pop psychology with a twist—and a dash of Sgt. Pepper!