When Y2K Dies

Price 9.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780937422458

We have been plagued with speculative, sensationalized reports on the coming Y2K "catastrophe" that will be ushered in the new millennium. We cannot escape these reports, whether they appear in the daily newspaper or as the feature story on the evening news. Sadly, this "hype" has found its way into the Christian realm. How can we be sure who to trust, and where to turn in order to settle the anxiety and unease that we will undoubtedly go through until January 1, 2000 becomes a reality? In this well-documented, comprehensive expose, Arno and Joel Froese have spent countless hours separating fact from fiction regarding this highly publicized and inevitable calendar event. The result? A tremendous, enlightening, biblically-based reference. The Froese"s have sorted through the technical jargon and have presented this work in clear layman"s terms, making it easy to read and understand. When Y2K Dies is chock-full of references from computer companies, software companies and magazines, as well as government agencies. After reading this book, you may very well walk away wondering, "What was all the fuss about?" In addition, When Y2K Dies reveals the prophetic aspect of the subject, outlining how the computer will contribute toward the one-world system so clearly predicted in the book of Revelation. With the climaxing interest in the Y2K issue, When Y2K Dies is the right book with the right message at the right time...and its right on target!