Homer"s Whip

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780887393532

Who said small town American values are dead? They"re alive, hopping, and timeless in Homer"s Whip, the tiny prairie town that is the setting for this delightful collection of short-short stories, yarns, gossip, and tongue-in-cheek homilies. Smaller, more western, and more woebegone than Lake Woebegone itself, Homer"s Whip is nevertheless likely to be compared with Garrison Keillor"s famous creation. After all, the town"s intellectual reads each issue of Reader"s Digest cover to cover, its beautician knows how to do a Kansas City Bob, its men partake in secret Tiddlywinks matches, and its political agenda is dominated by the question of whether or not to build a hill that would distinguish Homer"s Whip from the surrounding six counties.