The Complete Idiot"s Guide to Facebook, 2nd Edition
You probably want to purchase the 3rd Edition of this book. Facebook is not as user-friendly as the service would like people to think. As a result, it leaves many users scratching their heads over even its most basic features. The Complete Idiot"s Guide(r) to Facebook gets you registered and touring Facebook in the very first chapter and never lets up as it reveals the features that have made Facebook the number one social networking platform. Coverage includes:Sign up, sign in, find friends. Search for friends, family members, coworkers, and old school chums and "friend" them. Take control of your privacy settings. Choose the information you want to share and the people you want to share it with and hide everything else. Have fun! Post status updates; share photos and video; engage in text, voice, and video chat; exchange private messages; gather in groups; schedule events; play games; visit the pages of your favorite organizations, businesses, authors, and entertainers; and more.Promote yourself or your organization or business. Use Facebook for personal branding, marketing a business, product, service, or nonprofit, or promoting a worthy cause.Plus plenty of friendly advice!