Legion olvidada, La (Spanish Edition)

Price 25.30 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788466640794

Cuatro esclavos de Roma marcados por un mismo destino. Juntos lucharan por su honor, libertad y venganza. Romulo y Fabiola son gemelos nacidos de una madre esclava y vendidos a los trece años: ella a un famoso prostibulo y el a una escuela de gladiadores. Tarquinus es un adivino etrusco que odia a Roma y los romanos, y que se pasea por las calles de la ciudad en busca de venganza. Brennus es un galo, hecho prisionero tras la destruccion de su pueblo a manos de soldados del imperio, y ahora el gladiador mas importante de la ciudad. Las vidas de estos cuatro personajes se cruzaran de manera inevitable, al parecer marcadas por un mismo destino. / An epic Roman novel which follows three men and one woman bound in servitude to the Republic. Romulus and Fabiola are twins, born into slavery after their mother is raped by a drunken nobleman. At thirteen-years-old, they are sold Romulus to gladiator school, Fabiola into prostitution where she will catch the eye of one of the most powerful men in Rome. Tarquinius is an Etruscan warrior and soothsayer, and an enemy of Rome, but doomed to fight for the Republic in the Forgotten Legion. Brennus is a Gaul; the Romans killed his entire family. He rises to become one of the most famous and feared gladiators of his day and mentor to the boy slave, Romulus, who dreams night and day of escape and revenge. The lives of the four are bound together into a marvellous story which begins in a Rome riven by corruption, violence and politics, and ends far away at the very border of the known world.