Goal Sisters: Live the Life You Want with a Little Help from Your Friends

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781577314325

Hundreds of thousands of women grapple to achieve goals and improve their lives every year. But if so many women are working to better their lives, why aren"t their lives improving? Because they need motivation, accountability, and support - enter Goal Sisters! This exciting book explains how to find and work with a goal sister, or a group of them, to set and achieve goals, from changing careers to losing weight to starting a relationship. Readers are encouraged to seek out like-minded women who come to know them and their goals and share goals of their own. Soon each is invested in the other"s success. The goal sisters touch base regularly, celebrating successes and examining setbacks for clues to improve the next opportunity. Speaking to women in a way that addresses how they relate with each other and their world, Goal Sisters could be the answer for many women looking to change their lives for the better.