CENTRAL ASIA: A Strategy for India"s Look-North Policy
Price 25.90 USD
An obvious corollary to India"s "Look-East Policy" is the very natural and obvious need to Look-North at the energy rich and strategically important "Stans" of Central Asia. The author very critically analyses the political, social, demographic, economic and security status of each of these "Stans" and also gives pointers about where synergies exist between India"s future and these emerging nations. A very timely, exhaustive and masterly analyses of the contemporary situation in the Central Asian Republics in the context of India"s security. The author combines his experience and expertise as a senior officer of the Indian Air Force with the scholarly investigation and rigor in presenting this incisive analysis of the possibilities and the potential that this region holds for India"s security. He also traces the socio-religious evolution of each of these countries and gives us a deep insight into the intra-regional and inter-regional tensions and politics. The overview is absolutely essential for anybody wishing to do any transaction, whether diplomatic, commercial or strategic, with these Central Asian nations.