Horse Profiling: The Secret to Motivating Equine Athletes Using Emotional Conformation, Behavioural Genetics and Herd Dynamics to Choose Training ... Performance and Hone Competitive Strategy

Price 29.31 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781908809018

Brand J a Allen

It is no secret that speed, stamina, jumping ability, and athletic prowess depend on the horse"s physical ability to perform. However, the world has seen many "great" athletic bodies, human and horse, fail to reach their true potential, while others, perhaps thought to be less great in form and function, reach the pinnacle of their sport or discipline. In the world of human athletes, we might claim hard work, "grit", or "heart" as the force greater than muscle that propels them to the top. But the horse doesn"t have performance goals in the way we do, so what is it that motivates one racehorse to leave the rest of the field behind to cross the finish line first? In these pages, Kerry explains how it is possible - initially by using an Emotional Conformation Profile - to determine if a horse has what it takes inside him to make what he has on the outside great. Can your racing prospect handle distance? Does your event horse have the "finish" to clear that last enormous cross-country obstacle when his legs are tired? Is your horse capable of maintaining focus in the face of large crowds and multiple distractions? More importantly, he tells you how to develop specific training protocols towards given goals, thus enabling a horse to perform at his very best.