The Opportunity in Every Problem

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781586853204

The Opportunity In Every Problem can open up a new way of looking at and responding to the countless decisions you must make every day in all areas of your life, business, friends, family, and spiritual. Scott Taylor teaches that a true opportunity is anything that benefits you as well as others." - Ken Blanchard, Coauthor of The One Minute Manager The Opportunity in Every Problem is a simple, compelling fable that illustrates how the right approach to a problem can transform any obstacle into an opportunity for growth and success. Inspirational, motivational, with an easy-to-read approach, it"s a book for business people, students, teachers, parents-anyone who wants to learn a unique way to look at and learn from life"s many roadblocks. Taylor offers a simple process that anyone can follow and appreciate. A small book that packs a powerful and enlightening principle, The Opportunity In Every Problem helps people realize their own capacity to achieve regardless of the barriers that always seem to hamper success. Scott Taylor has worked in sales, marketing, tradeshow organization and international distribution, and as a trainer in those fields. He created and organized the Samaritan Business Builders. He lives in southern Utah with his family.