Life of Edgar Allan Poe

Price 66.24 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780838310083

All that makes Poe"s career least defensible his vices, quarrels, desperate straits, attempted suicides, ardent and sometimes simultaneous love-affairs all these afford great resources for the biographer, who has reason to be grateful for a subject who did not dwell in decencies for ever. It is almost amusing to see how each new memoir of Poe professes to be the first to tell the real story of his life; and how each, while denouncing the obvious malice of Griswold, ends by reestablishing almost all the damaging facts which Griswold left only half-proved. If Poe fared ill at the hands of his ennemy, he has fared worse, on the whole, at those of his friends. THE NATION ILLUS.THIS TITLE IS CITED AND RECOMMENDED BY: Guide to the Study of the United States of America; Catalogue of the Lamont Library, Harvard College.