Charles Spurgeon: Boy Preacher to Christian Theologian

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780786190355

The remarkable story of "The Boy Preacher of the Fens" who became one of the truly great preachers of the nineteenth century.Coming from a family of noted preachers, Charles Spurgeon built the Metropolitan Tabernacle into a congregation of over 6000 and added over 14,000 members during his thirty-eight-year London ministry. The combination of his clear voice, his mastery of language, his sure grasp of Scripture and a deep love for Christ produced some of the noblest preaching of any age. Though his later years were clouded by bitter controversy and failing health, he is remembered with love and respect. Through his sermons, both spoken and printed, many thousands have been led to that all-important encounter with Jesus Christ.Inspiring insight into the life of Charles Spurgeon.