I Thirst: Saint Therese of Lisieux and Mother Teresa of Calcutta

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780818909733

Brand Alba House

The heartfelt bond between Saint Therese of Lisieux and Mother Teresa of Calcutta can be traced to their common interest in assuaging the thirst of Christ on the cross. Not only their thirst for Jesus, but Jesus" thirst for them, for us. Their profound resemblance to one another is to be found in their unalterable desire to slake the thirst of Christ, to console Him in the face of the indifference of so many people, to quench His thirst for love. to love Him in others and letting them be loved by Him. They did so by opening the floodgates of tenderness which had prevented the love in His heart from being welcomed as it ought. THe cry of Jesus, mentioned countless times in their writings, was a determining factor in each of their lives. The words, "I Thirst," are to be found side by side with the Crucifix in all the houses of the Missionaires of Charity, and the photograph of St. Therese of Lisieux, patroness of the missions, is never far away. Saint Therese and Mother Teresa are like two mirrors mutually reflecting the compassion of Christ. These two witnesses, making use of the "little way" of confidence and surrender, accessible to all, were chosen by God to reveal to us His thirst for love.