God"s Missiles over Cuba

Price 10.93 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780882643038

Imprisoned for 17 months, Tom White survived to tell the thrilling story of God"s suffering church behind the Sugar Cane Curtain. In the 1970"s, the threat of missiles from Fidel Castro"s Cuba was one of America"s great fears. Castro"s fear is of another kind of missiles. For seven years, Tom White led a massive gospel invasion of Cuba to bring the peace of God to this downtrodden island in the Caribbean. More than 400,000 pieces of Christian literature--missiles of love--were either dropped from the sky or carried ashore by the sea. On May 27, 1979, his plane crashed on a Cuban highway. Brutal treatment from the secret police, months of solitary confinement, and the twenty-four-year sentence of a kangaroo court form the backdrop of this fascinating story. In this school of suffering, at Combinado del Este Prison, the author met and worshiped with the suffering Cuban church. This is not a story of the triumph of a person over a system. It is a dynamic eyewitness account of God"s conquering love, of God"s faithful protection, and of God"s patient instruction in Castro"s hell.