Emergence of Early Culture in North-east India
Price 92.59 USD
The present volume is a detailed account of the results of the first ever archaeological excavations conducted at a recently discovered historical site of great importance, east of Brahmaputra. The discoveries made by the author have totally changed the so far held view that North-East India was a very backward area bereft of any advanced culture in the past. The excavations now clearly prove that Vadagokugiri (Bhaitbari) in West Garo hills was one of the biggest fortified townships from the beginning of the Christian era up to 12th-13th century A.D., where Buddhism and Hinduism flourished. The area has a very advanced culture with close links with other parts of the country and outside world as well. The present attempt intends to present the historical accounts of the Garo hills, so that it can serve as a beginning to the willing workers and scholars in the area, as immense archaeological evidences right from Stone Age to historical times lies buried under the debris of time in the hills and plains of the region. The book is a first ever written authentic document based on archaeological evidences about the glorious past of North-East India. Profusely illustrated with maps, line drawings and rare photographs, this volume presents a detailed cultural spectrum of North-East Region. The book paces the way for extensive research to put the history of the area in its correct perspective.