R & R Games Smarty Party Expansion Set 2
Price 7.85 - 9.95 USD
Smarty Party Number 2 Expansion Set. Name a popular TV series of the 70"s, name a handyman"s tool, name a stinky cheese. Each category has several correct answers. Can you guess them all? Well, you don"t need to a couple good answers is all you"ll need. Each round, one players selects a random category card. The other players try to come up with all the answers on the card. If your answer is wrong, you have to take a Penalty but if you"re correct, you get to wear the Smartypants. (That"s right, the game comes with a snazzy little pair of Smartypants! A new height in fashion!) It"s all about coming in last. The last correct player gets the Pants, the last player wearing the Pants gets the bonus and last place wins!