Constitutional Law and Politics

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780393983487

With over 300 college and university adoptions since its publication, Constitutional Law and Politics is simply the best package choice for your courses in constitutional law, civil rights and civil liberties, and constitutional history. This new edition of a proven classroom favorite features excerpts from major Supreme Court decisions and adds "In Comparative Perspective" boxes to its array of special-interest boxed material. It thoroughly integrates the historical and political background to legal battles in its discussions and offers up to-the-last term reporting. Special-interest boxes highlight some of the more interesting legal issues, personalities, and cases. * The Development of Law boxes show students how current law has evolved by tracing a legal topic over time. * Constitutional History boxes offer further background on a specific topic. * Inside the Court boxes give students rare behind-the-scenes views of the Supreme Court. * Comparative Perspective boxes illustrate how courts around the world have addressed particular constitutional issues. Included are: "The "European Model" of Constitutional Courts and Judicial Review" "Communitarianism, Feminism, and the Canadian Supreme Court"s Rulings on Hate Speech and Pornography" "The Self-Defense Forces Enshrinement Case, the Supreme Court of Japan, and Religious Minorities" "The Right to Remain Silent and the Exclusion of Incriminating Statements in England, France, Germany, and Italy" "Capital Punishment around the World" "The European Court of Justice and the European Union" "Federalism, Federations, and Confederations" "Equal Voting Rights and the French Case of Feminine Quotas"