Crystal Reports 2011 And Dashboard Design 2011 For Beginners: 2 Book Set
"This is a set of two books (Crystal Reports 2011 and Dashboard Design 2011). If you have been looking for a beginners book that has a lot of easy to understand step-by-step instructions and screen shots that show you how to complete and master SAP Crystal Reports 2011 design techniques correctly, this is the book for you. The SAP Crystal Reports 2011 For Beginners book, is a self-paced visual guide to learning Crystal Reports. It is written from the perspective that the reader has not created a report before or has not used Crystal Reports. This book is for the beginner and intermediate user. To help you become familiar with the options and features, this book contains over 675 illustrations that provide a visual tour of the software. The Dashboard Design 2011 book is for everyone that wants to learn SAP Crystal Dashboard Design 2011 (formerly known as Xcelsius 2008) or Presentation Design 2011 (formerly known as Xcelsius Present 2008). People that are upgrading from a previous version of the software will have a refresher of the basics and then learn about the features and options that are new in this version. Dashboard Design 2011 is an exciting software package that is used to enhance presentations that have numerical data. With a little guidance, you will be able to create meaningful dashboards. This book contains exercises in step-by-step format, so that if you have never used Dashboard Design before, you can learn how to use the software. "