Basic Science Gnrh Analogues (Basic Science of Gnrh Analogues) (v. 2)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781850703266

This book is one of four in a series offering information on the latest research and clinical data on GnRH analogues. Since the original isolation, identification and synthesis of gonadatropin releasing hormone (GnRH) in 1971, interest in the application of GnRH analogues has experienced an explosive growth rate. The potency of GnRH and its analogues as stimulators or inhibitors of pituitary gonadatropin secretion is the reason for this extensive attention. This new series reviews recent developments that have taken place in the field and, in particular, looks at the implication of current research for clinical applications. Many of the contributors are based on the 2nd International Symposium on GnRH Analogues in Cancer and Human Reproduction, held in Geneva in November 1990. This particular text offers information on the basic science of the field and focuses on precocious puberty.