HR for Small Business: From Hiring to Firing and Everything In Between (HR for Small Business: An Essential Guide for Managers, Human Resources Professionals, & Small Bus)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781572485044

Brand Sphinx Pub

Employees are still your greatest asset. However, the days when employee matters were simple are gone. To keep your business running successfully, you need a guide through the many issues facing employers today. Charles Fleischer, successful attorney, lecturer and author, makes this complex area of the law easy to understand. His practical advice answers the questions you have, such as: -What steps do I take in the hiring process? -How can I use performance evaluations as a productive tool? -How can I cut overtime expenses? -How can I control costs and still offer attractive retirement and health insurance benefits? -How do I make a clean termination? -How do I protect myself against discrimination claims I know nothing about? -What types of insurance must I carry? -How long must I hold a position for someone on maternity, military or other leave?