The G.I. Diet Guide to Shopping and Eating Out

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780679313915

This indispensable companion to the international bestsellers The G.I. Diet and Living the G.I. Diet will make eating the green-light way easier than ever! Whether you’re already losing weight on the G.I. Diet or have just decided to start the foolproof plan, The G.I. Diet Guide to Shopping and Eating Out is the perfect tool for you. Small enough to fit in a jacket pocket or purse, this handy little book contains everything you need to know to stock up on the right foods and find delicious green-light options on every restaurant menu. As Rick Gallop points out, you need never break your diet to enjoy a celebratory dinner out with friends or a quick bite at a fast-food joint — there are always green-light options, no matter where you go. Take it with you on your weekly run to the grocery store, and follow the easy-to-use colour-coded charts aisle by aisle. When you’re on the road and your only lunch option is McDonald’s, just pull out this guide to find out what to order. And if you’re sitting down in an Italian, Greek or Chinese restaurant on a Saturday night, you’ll know which dishes to avoid and which to enjoy. Full of the sound advice that has proved such an antidote to the fad diets that have come and gone, The G.I. Diet Guide to Shopping and Eating Out further proves that you need never go hungry or feel deprived while losing weight. The G.I. Diet is really the easiest, healthiest, most effective eating plan ever!