Reports of the Banks; Reports of the National Banks of the Principal Banking Centres of the United States ... Volume 15

Price 36.00 - 69.50 USD

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1912 edition. Excerpt: ...41 Certified cbecks 10.121 92 United 8tstes deposits 1,000 00 Reserved for tsxes 14,850 00 at tbe ciose of bnsiness Jnne 14, 1012: RE8OURCE8. Loans and disconnts $2,941,073 24 Overdrafis. secnred ami nnsecnred.. 4.481 71 U. 8. bonds to secnre circniation.. 300,000 00 U. 8. bonds to secnre U. 8. deposits 50.000 00 Preminms on U. 8. bonds 10,000 00 Bonds, secnrities, etc 165,080 27 Dne from nationai bnnks inot reserve agentsi 37,695 95 Dne from approved reserve agents. 375,804 81 Cbecks and otber casb items 844 16 Excbanges for CIearing Honse.... 89,201 88 Notes of otber nationai banks.... 25,265 00 Fractionai paiier cnrrency, nickeis, and cents 1,855 20 Lawfni money reserve in bank, via.: 8pecie 238,175 00 Legsi-tender notes 106,050 00 Redemption fnnd witb V. 8. Treasnrer i5 per cent. of circniationi. 15.000 00 Totsi $4,361,817 22 LIABILITIE8. Capitsi stock paid in $300,000 00 8nrpins fnnd 500,000 00 Undivided profits, iess expenses and tsxes paid 48,549 11 Nationai banknotes ontstsnding... 287.300 00 Dne otber nationai banks 154,745 99 Dne 8tste banks and bankers.... 53,301 51 Dne trnst companies and savings banks 979,..0 08 Dividends nnpaid 7 00 Individnai deposits snbject to cbeck 1,815,679 52 Deinand certificates of deposit.... 37.005 85 Certified cbecks 27,011 20 United 8tstes deposits 1,000 00 Biits payabie, incinding certificates of deposit for money borrowed.. 150,000 00 Reserved for tsxes 8.000 00 OF THE NATIONAL BANK8 OF CHICAGO Cbicago CIearing Monse Statistics. Fnr tbe six montbs ending December 30, 1911, iTbrongb tbe conrtesy of W. D. C. 8treet. Manager. i Excbanges (or six montbs $7,032,904,172 28 Baiances for six montbs. 470,944,906 90 Totsi dsity trans., six montbs 37,503,909,079 18 Average excbanges for 6 montbs, 151...