The Roundabout has Stopped: What We Fail to Teach our Kids About Money

Andy Golding can"t make you a millionaire, but this is what he can do: • To get you thinking about money, your choices and options. • To help you develop an early warning system for your financial problems. • To get past some of the myths about money and to give an insight into the thinking at your bank. • Help you think about your relationship with your bank. What do they want from you? What can you get from them and how can you work with them. • Speculate (and it is just speculation) about where financial services, society, demographic change and so on is taking us ... might we be seeing the end of retirement, and what would it mean to you? • To shed some light on the financial situation we"re in at the present (by we, I mean the whole world). • To give you the means to explain personal finance to others. He"ll even quote some Karl Marx - not something you readily associate with a financial services CEO.