Fall of the Temple System

Is there any relation between the Jewish temple and the Christian churches of today? Will the Christian church systems of today be destroyed like the Jewish temple? Why did Jesus say, Many are called, but few are chosen? Will there be an end to human rule on earth? And if so, when? Why did Jesus say, When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth? In his educational commentary on the modern-day church system and its origins, Fall of the Temple System, Greg Turner answers these questions and more about the nature of serving the Lord as a body of believers. God has been calling people of faith throughout the history of man. Yet, we see after Moses the Levitical priesthood change into a temple system, the form of which the Jews worshiped more than God. This is similar to the Christian Church systems of today. God desires a relationship with every human being. Are the churches of today helping that goal or impeding it? Starting with Adam and Eve, Greg makes a comprehensive yet efficient journey through the Bible, showing readers the beginnings of the temple/synagogue, its glory days, its years of corruption, Jesuss transformation of the Jewish temple system back to a religion of faith, and what it has evolved into today. Just as the first Jewish temple systemwith its headquarters temple at Jerusalem and subordinate synagogueswere destroyed, so too will the current church temple system with all of its subsequent denominations such as Catholicism, Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, Baptists, etc., fall. Only by having a truly faithful relationship with God, not membership in the church system, will you be able to have eternal life. To see the difference between living by faith and going to church, Greg Turners Fall of the Temple System is a must read for you!