The Dance of Life: On Being Born (Simple) (Volume 2)

The Dance of Life is an invitation to question whether you are the sum of your past, and even to question what your life has been about. It is an invitation to dis-identify with the past, and embrace the possibility of transpersonal consciousness, a level of being that sees through the person. The Dance itself is a radical human record, and the knowledge deep in the psyche, of the amazing process of birth, life, death, and spiritual awakening, all within the profundity and love of the one transcendental Being. The content includes descriptions of newborn consciousness, and the awareness of Being, beyond form, within newborn consciousness. The book speaks of spiritual emergence, and the presence of the light of the Self during childhood. Also, it describes the obscuration of this awareness and knowledge, in the process of growing up, aspects of the spiritual path, and the re-emergence of the process of realising the Self, in adulthood.