Instructional Leadership as Art: Connecting ISLLC and Aesthetic Inspiration

In this book, Zach Kelehear offers readers a new perspective on an important, dynamic, and sometimes daunting issue: managing successful school-based leadership. Kelehear uses an arts-based approach to weave together notions of research-based leadership skills for successful school-based management with standards of professional competence as represented by the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (I.S.L.L.C.) Standards for School Leaders. The author encourages readers to engage in the seemingly persistent problems and old trials of school management from a new perspective resulting in some refreshing possibilities for supporting student achievement in schools. It is also the goal of this arts-based approach that the reader might begin to more fully recognize the complexity of leading and managing students and teachers within the constantly evolving culture of today"s schools. As a result of this qualitative inquiry, the author invites a new vision for old assumptions in schools, for teacher leadership, and for student learning.