Moving Up!: A Guidebook for Women in Educational Administration

This second edition provides expert guidance based on research and experience for women in and moving into educational administration. Moving Up! ranges in scope from determining whether you are interested in exploring a career in educational administration through all of the decisions administrators face-from where to sit in a meeting, to signing a contract, to dealing with difficult people, to decisions on the home front. It provides facts and choices for the reader, including real-life examples. Although the book addresses women, it is equally helpful to men who want to learn the ropes and know how women think and lead. A major point is that while women"s leadership and collaborative styles are most appropriate to today"s needs and that women possess the most effective characteristics for developing a cooperative, participatory management style, the best results come from merging the leadership strengths of both men and women. Well-written and readable, this book speaks to the reader in layman"s terms while maintaining an academic purpose.