PHILOSOPHY OF MIND: Translated from the encyclopedia of the philosophical sciences with five introductory essays by William Wallace

An easy-to-digest introduction the “science of the experience of consciousness” as the German Idealist philosopher GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH HEGEL (1770–1831) understood it, this condensed version of Hegel’s The Phenomenology of Spirit—which the author created himself for his Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences—explores Hegel’s take on: • what mind is • consciousness and the intellect • the theoretical mind • memory, intuition, and imagination • the morality of conscience • moral life, or social ethics • and much more. This 1894 translation of the 1827–1830 German original, by Scottish philosopher and Oxford University professor WILLIAM WALLACE (1843–1897), remains a favorite of Hegel students, and is celebrated for its style and eloquence. This edition also features Wallace’s five original introductory essays on the scope of a philosophy of mind, the aims and methods of psychology, the psychological aspects of ethics, psycho-genesis, and the role of ethics in politics.