Weathering the Storm

Weathering The Storm is an inspirational, motivational, and faith inspiring book that will work to move you from any and all storms in your life. It will serve to move you out of the rain and help you breakthrough to brighter days. I wrote Weathering The Storm in a down to earth way so that everyone can easily relate, with everyday advice ranging from forgiving to moving forward with your life after tragedy. If your life always seems to be in the midst of turbulent weather, my goal is for Weathering The Storm to serve as a shield and a guide to get you through, and towards the fringes of the light. Written from my perspective as a psoriasis sufferer, I want to use my background to inspire you and invigorate you so that you can step away from storm clouds hovering over your head. Life is too short to be mired in constant stress; Weathering The Storm will move you away from the mess and instead help prove you are blessed - no matter your circumstance or situation.